


Guidance to:
- connect with your inner wisdom through embodied presence
- remove blocks from shame, conditioning, trauma
- gain clarity and confidence for aligned living
- develop self-love, compassion, and trust, which will extend to others
- build inner safety and capacity to receive what you want.

if the next time you feel confused, stuck, afraid, overwhelmed, or not good enough, you have a reliable internal guidance system to quickly and confidently access clarity, trust, self-compassion, and peace. What would that be like?

What if I told you your body possesses inherent wisdom, intelligence, and creativity? It guides you toward peace, clarity, love, and trust. As a practitioner, I facilitate this reconnection with your inner compass, guiding you back to your innate wisdom, using the framework below.

When self-doubt arises, you'll confidently trust this embodied wisdom. Differentiate wounded, conditioned, and critical parts from your innate wisdom. You'll discover your authentic self, free from societal, familial, and religious conditioning. This empowers you to find inner peace and fulfillment, rather than seeking it externally or living up to outside expectations.

You’ve tried various approaches such as books, podcasts, and therapy, yet stay stuck in repetitive patterns? Perhaps you understand the concepts but struggle to apply them effectively. Your inner wisdom naturally removes blocks and brings clarity for the next right step.

You are not broken; you require compassionate understanding. I help you meet your true self and cultivate the skills necessary to live a meaningful life of connection and purpose.

If this sounds like you, you may benefit from guidance to develop a connection to this inner compass. Book a complementary 30-minute Zoom info call to see if we are a good fit to work together.



  • Intention

    establish our guiding compass

  • No Agenda

    be present with what is

  • Non-Judgement

    relate authentically, just as you are

  • Witnessing

    listen reflectively with compassionate presence to feel seen and heard


    create space for your experience, feelings, and needs

  • Connection

    deepen connection to self and others with embodied integration


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Transform your Days:
6-week Journaling Course for Overwhelmed Mothers.
April 2025

New Group

Moon Circle: A Wise Women’s Council
Bi-weekly gathering

upcoming Workshop

Seen & Heard: The Art of Listening

Spring 2025


The Art of Listening



Or book a complementary 30-min
Zoom info call here