A 5-week journey of our relationship to welcome throughout our lives.

We’re so glad you are here….

Welcome! You’re feelings, your needs, ALL of YOU is welcome here.

We invite you to notice what arises in you around this theme of welcome. Can you feel it and take it in? Does a story come to mind? Where does it take you? Is there a welcome in you that wants to be noticed, seen, or acknowledged?

If you are curious to explore how the welcome theme is showing up in your life, you are warmly invited to join us in this 5-week experiential course via Zoom. We will dive deeply into how we relate to welcome throughout our lives, and come together to feel and sense being truly welcome for who we truly are.

Our need to feel welcomed, loved, and connected is universal.

“ There is little in life so reassuring as a genuine welcome. ”

— Robin Hobb

What’s inside

Week 1

Conception- exploring your sense of welcome. Were you a surprise? Unwanted? A rainbow baby? A celebration? Discover how your body remembers being welcomed at this time. No prior knowledge of this experience is necessary.

We are all conscious, sentient, and at our most vulnerable from pre/conception through early infancy. We need to be loved and welcomed from our very earliest beginnings, even when we are just a twinkle in our parents’ eyes.

The pre and perinatal psychology approach takes us into exploration of our early memories and how if they were left unaddressed, might still shape, or influence us in our adult life experiences.  Time from the moment of conception, implantation, discovery, and birth has a significant impact on us as individuals throughout our lives. Our early beginnings shape us in layers and deeply inform the rest of pregnancy, birth, and life.

Week 2

Birth - exploring your relationship to welcome. How was your welcome into the world perceived by your body? Join us as we welcome your experience.

We all have and hold different stories about how we came here into form. Our body system collects experiences which translate to implicit memory that connect us with sensations and emotions within. Studies in the prenatal/perinatal field show that babies are sentient beings with a felt sense of what is happening around them even before they are born. Babies experience the biggest transition they will ever make when they journey from the womb home to the outside world. More often we talk with mothers about how the birth was for them, but we rarely open space for how the birth experience was for the baby.

Week 3

Family life - Did you feel welcome in your family? What parts of you did not feel welcome? Are there still parts of you that feel unwelcome? Explore the relationship to welcome at this time in your life.

Our families are our first means of survival. We need connection to survive, but as children, we sacrifice our authenticity to keep that connection when necessary. A spacious, compassionate, container of support invites you in to meet and welcome these parts into more acceptance and wholeness of yourself.

Week 4

Adulthood- continuing with our relationship to welcome throughout our experiences of schooling, careers, and intimate relationships.

Who did you feel you had to become to be successful, taken seriously, or get what you wanted? Who were the voices behind these expectations? Have your relationships allowed for your true self to shine through?

There is often an expectation of adults to have it all together, know what to do, or be satisfied by meeting goals in life. Sometimes we still find ourselves in places and relationships where masks remain or our true desires are left as only dreams. Explore with us where you may need to cultivate safety, resources, support, or freedom to be you.

Week 5

Integration- We will meet to reflect on all that we have covered in the previous four weeks and partake in a closing ritual for embodied integration.

Many layers will be touched throughout our time together. It will look different for everyone, as everyone has their unique experience of this theme. We support each other through what comes up and integrate our experiences during the course.

What you’ll get

  • Spacious supportive container

  • Two layers of professional support to aid in processing & integrating your experience throughout the course

  • Weekly content, guided practices, and self exploration prompts

  • 10 hours of live experiential learning and support via zoom

  • A deeper understanding of your imprints, unmet needs, and support to rewrite your story.

  • Small group intimacy with a max of 6 participants so everyone has sufficient support for their needs.

Meet the instructors

Christine Pollard holds a degree in Science Education and is a Holistic Family Consultant and Educator, group facilitator, trained Relational Life Therapy Coach, herbalist, and homeschooling mom living in North Carolina USA with her husband and 3 daughters. She utilizes multiple trauma-informed modalities to create compassionate spaces for deep healing and connection. Her work is inspired by IFS, Somatic psychology, NVC, Polyvagal Theory, pre and perinatal psychology, along with movement and art-based practices. She guides clients to their inner Self and out of unconscious or stuck places by compassionately illuminating unseen patterns to bring transformation for authentic, aligned living.

She loves holistic natural living, and in her spare time, likes to read, dance, play music, create, spend time in nature, and have deep conversations.

Nadja is a certified Holistic Family Consultant and Educator, trauma informed heart centered guide, and Quantum Human Design family coach. She holds a degree in social work and has deepened her interest with post graduate education and trainings in child development, Aware Parenting, and practicing presence, attunement, and authentic connection. In her work, she integrates her passions of Conscious Parenting, pre and perinatal psychology, Human Design, and ancient knowledge of Vedic Astrology. She uses this wisdom to empower self awareness and inner trust,  and sacred space holding to listen. She deeply values raising children with awareness, connection, support, and acceptance to feel seen, understood, and connected. She loves to explore heart to heart connections, sacred embodiment rituals, and free dolphin magic encounters. She enjoys guiding into deep self awareness and exploring the unique energetic Blueprint of our wholeness. In turn, we can guide and support our children to nurture their true potentials; following their inner guidance, celebrate heart songs, and live with authentic purpose.

She lives with her husband Matej and their son Val in Slovenia. They love to travel together exploring new places, experience natural learning, and growing new connections. 

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Wednesdays at 1-3 pm Eastern US time 6-8pm UK time online via Zoom

    Class times:
    February 7 - Week 1
    February 14 - Week 2
    February 21 - Week 3
    March 6 - Week 4
    March 13 - Week 5 Integration & Closing

  • No, calls will not be recorded to preserve sacred sharing space.
    You will have lifetime access to any course materials including teachings, guided practices, and self-exploration prompts.

  • The course registration opens January 17 and closes January 31st 2024. Course starts on February 7th. There will be a waitlist for anyone who misses the deadline or if the class fills up. We take time to prepare for those who will be joining us and close registration 1 week before class starts.

    Enrollment is limited to 6 participants. We feel this is the maximum number of participants we are able to support considering the nature of the content and the quantity of layers touched upon. We want to leave plenty of space for what comes up to be adequately supported.

  • The total cost for all 5 weeks of the course is $250.

    Payment plans are available upon request.

  • No prior experience needed. We will cover a basic understanding of the concepts and allow for as much experiential learning as possible. Everyone’s experience will be different as everyone’s lives are unique and it will touch on these layers of your life in different way.

  • The theme of welcome touches us all and we will all have a unique story and somatic experience. By slowly touching on layers of this experience with compassionate support, you will be able to heal some of these untouched layers, better understand your needs around these layers, and rewrite the story you had for so long. There is no way to know how addressing these layers will affect you, but once being with them, you will never be the same.

    This is for you if

    -you're wanting layers of support and to be deeply met in your healing around the theme of welcome

    -you are pregnant or trying to conceive and want to understand and differentiate your experience from that of your baby

    -want the felt sense of being welcome as you truly are

More Questions?

Let’s connect to find out if this is right for you.

Register here

Please complete the form by clicking the button below, and secure your spot by submitting payment at the bottom of this page.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

Welcome 5-week Course
One time
For 2 months

✓ 10 hours of live learning, support + more
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to content