Welcome, my name is Christine. I am passionate about deep, honest, and real relating. As a coach, my method centers around clients developing healthy and authentic relationships with themselves and others. I use simple yet powerful tools of attuned presence to address the unmet needs that shape our perception and experience of life. I create a container to guide connection with your inner wisdom, unconscious patterns, and unmet parts of yourself. I reflect you back to yourself to foster clarity and self-compassion. Together, we work to attain a set intention and allow your body’s wisdom to unfold. I believe you are not a problem that needs fixing but a person who deserves to be met with compassion and understanding.

My Story

Born to a nurse and musician, my life changed at four years old as my parents divorced. I relocated with my mom and twin sister from our hometown in Kentucky to her hometown 1500 miles away in North Dakota, where we remained. This experience led to me emotionally shutting down, and additional experiences of shame and embarrassment led to me hiding, becoming a chameleon to go unnoticed and avoid criticism.

In the fifth grade, my teacher helped me blossom into my potential, although now as a perfectionist. I sought approval and acceptance, prioritizing fitting in and performing. I poured myself into what I excelled at and suppressed anything perceived as inadequate. I hid my emotional world, pretending I was fine; without a trusted adult in whom to safely confide or seek guidance, I felt I had raised myself.

Despite external success in academics and a budding career as a high school chemistry teacher, I struggled personally and relationally. I realized I became hyper-independent, didn’t know how to rest, and unrealistically high standards led to burnout. I searched for a solution in the natural health community as a fix for myself. Lifestyle and dietary changes provided some benefits and relief, but what I really needed was emotional and relational support.

Fast forward to motherhood, I knew I wanted something different for my children than what I received for myself. My parents didn’t have the resources and support to know how to support me in the ways I needed—at no fault of their own. I began learning about emotions and how to support, feel, and regulate them to help my children do the same. Overwhelmed by my feelings and unaware I had experienced trauma, I was unable to consciously and emotionally support my kids as desired. I needed help and guidance.

In 2018 I found the Consciously Parenting Project and finally received the support I needed for my own experiences so that I could make space for my children's experiences. I learned about myself, my needs, the needs of my kids, and how to support us. The program was so transformational that I joined the experiential training program to become a Holistic Family Consultant to support parents like I was supported. I recognized my desire to support was not just about parenting, but rather creating connected relationships. Additionally, I realized the influence of the partner relationship on parenting, so I trained in couples coaching at the Relational Life Institute to provide further support.

Another prominent part of my story is that I was raised in the evangelical church. I left a decade ago and have since been deconstructing and intentionally reconstructing a more loving and compassionate spirituality. Some lingering negative impacts of this part of my upbringing persist, but the love and respect I’ve discovered has driven my passion for this work. Love and respect guide me, and are the motivation behind what I do.
I love people and authentic connection. When we are present with each other, we heal each other.

Having undergone extensive trauma work and training, I continue to shed layers, reconnect with my true self, and help others connect with their true selves. In my family, I played the lost child role. I am honored to support others who identify with this lost child family role to have connected relationships. This isn't just theoretical; I meet my clients from experience and quality training while engaging in ongoing personal therapy, training, and supervision. Drawing from diverse influences—Nonviolent Communication, somatic psychology, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Compassionate Inquiry, Relational Life Therapy, Focalizing, pre/perinatal psychology, trauma healing, family constellations, Polyvagal theory, and neurobiology—I tailor my approach to meet my client’s specific needs.

Your unique story will differ from mine, but if it resonates, understand that you're not alone. I've experienced profound support and care and am passionate about extending the same to others. If you'd like to explore with me, please see ways to work together. I refrain from sharing testimonials for individual work. I recognize that others' experiences and needs may differ from yours, thus providing different results. Instead, I encourage you to listen to your body's response—whether a yes or a no—and I honor that impulse. My approach will not suit everyone, and that's okay. If we’re a good fit, we both win!

Apart from my personal history and professional life, I am a homeschooling mom to my 3 daughters; neurodivergent; and passionate about holistic natural living. Some of my interests include herbalism, cooking/baking, singing, dancing, playing music, reading, spending time in nature, and finding ways to create.


  • One to One:
    My rate is pay what you can $100 budget/$125 recommended/$150 supporting per hour
    I work in 3 month intervals meeting bi-weekly. This equates to $600/$750/$900 3 month packages with monthly payment plans available. At the completion of 3 months we will reevaluate if continued support is desired.

    My rate is $200 per 90 min session
    I work in 3 month intervals meeting bi-weekly. This equates to $1200 for the 3 month package with monthly payment plans available. At the completion of 3 months we will reevaluate if continued support is desired.

    Scholarships or discounts may be available for those facing genuine financial challenges.

    I recommend supplemental participation in the free Sacred Connection Café [available weekly] for additional support.

  • -I am trained as a Holistic Family Consultant and Educator by Rebecca Thompson Hitt MS MFT of Consciously Parenting. [ A 3 year experiential training]
    -I am a trained Relationship Coach in Relational Life Therapy by Terry Real at the Relational Life Institute [A 2 year intensive training]
    -I am trained in Core Trauma Skills by Dr. Albert Wong of Somatopia. [a 12 week training]
    -Currently in training for certification as a somatic practitioner in Focalizing [12 week experiential training]

    -Additional Coursework and training from experts including Dr. Frank Anderson, Dr. Janina Fisher, Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Peter Levine, Esther Perel, Thomas Hubl and National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM).

    My approach is influenced by Internal Family Systems, Somatic Psychology, Nonviolent Communication, Family Constellations and Pre & Perinatal Psychology.

  • I offer an optional free 30 min consult to see if we are a good fit and to answer any questions. You can also explore the free resources on my website and/or join us in The Sacred Connection Café (also free) to experience my approach. If it resonates, let's connect!

    Schedule your free consult here: https://calendly.com/info-dwwb/30min

  • My work focuses on those who identify with the lost child family role by helping them meet their needs and guiding them into connected relationships with themselves and others.

    Some things that resonate with the lost child role:
    -did not receive guidance
    -felt unseen, unheard, unknown
    -tried not to have needs, so needs went chronically unmet
    -self-sufficient or hyper-independent
    -trouble with self care
    -difficulty with boundaries

    If much of this resonates and you'd like guidance to meet your needs, feel seen & heard, receive support, and build resilience and capacity for an aligned authentic life then lets connect. You can book an optional 30 min consult to meet and ask questions or attend a free gathering in the Sacred Connection Cafe.