A 5-week experiential learning lab for discovering 1) your needs, 2) what keeps them unmet, and 3) practicing meeting them in real-time with embodied presence and compassionate support to experience more peace, joy, and ease in life.

I’m so glad you are here….

Welcome! You, your needs, ALL of YOU is welcome here.

I know what it’s like to think needs don’t matter, be proud to not have needs, and feel burned out/resentful because I was always making sure everyone else’s needs were met before mine.
The truth is we all have needs. They matter. Yours matter. When left unmet, we struggle. Let’s make space for your needs so you can bring more peace, joy, and ease to your life. It feels so good when our needs are fully met!

If you are curious to explore your beliefs and conditioning about needs, what your current needs are, strategies to meet them, and a supportive container to practice, then this is the place for you!

“You won't always be a priority to others, and that's why you have to be a priority to yourself. Learn to respect yourself, take care of yourself, and become your own support system. Your needs matter. Start meeting them. Don't wait on others to choose you. Choose yourself today!” — Marc and Angel

What’s inside

Week 1

Together, we’ll explore conditioning and beliefs about having needs and getting them met. What are the stories we are telling ourselves? What is believed to happen if we let ourselves have or meet our needs? We’ll tease out what belongs to us and support letting go of what doesn’t.

Compassionately witnessing our shared stories and experiences, we’ll make room for our true needs to exist.

Week 2

Deepening our experience from Week 1, we will become curious about what our true needs are and consider alternative ways to meet those needs. Going beyond our basic needs, we’ll consider obscure or atypical needs that may have been minimized or dismissed as less important. We will become curious about any blocks that may prevent meeting these needs, and make space for our body’s wisdom to resolve them.

Week 4

This week we will continue practicing and deepening into the the experience from week 3. With intention and support, we’ll create space to embody our needs and receive the resource of getting them met.

Week 3

This week we will practice noticing needs and how different they may look for each of us. With compassionate support, resourcing, and small actionable steps, we will begin to practice accepting and naming our needs, making requests, allowing them to be met, and noticing what it FEELS like when they are.

Week 5

Our final week will focus on integrating our experiences from the previous 4 weeks. Many layers will be touched on throughout our time together, and it will look different for everyone. We’ll reflect on our time together and share how we will take this new way of being into the future.

What you’ll get

  • Spacious, supportive, and compassionate container to explore & practice

  • Professional, personalized support to aid in processing & integrating your experience throughout the course

  • Weekly guided practices and self exploration prompts to participate at your own comfort

  • 10 hours of live experiential learning and support via zoom

  • A deeper understanding of your beliefs and unmet needs; plus support finding right strategies for you by connecting to
    your body’s innate intelligence and wisdom

  • Small group intimacy with a max of 5 participants so everyone has sufficient support for their needs.

Meet the instructor

Christine Pollard holds a degree in Science Education and is a Holistic Family Consultant and Educator, group facilitator, trained Relational Life Therapy Coach, certified Focalizing Practitioner, herbalist, and homeschooling mom living in North Carolina USA with her 3 daughters. She utilizes multiple trauma-informed modalities to create compassionate spaces for deep healing and connection, especially for those who identify with the lost child family role. Her work is inspired by IFS, Somatic psychology, Non Violent Communication, Polyvagal Theory, Focalizing, pre and perinatal psychology, along with movement and art-based practices. She guides clients to their inner Self and out of unconscious or stuck places by compassionately illuminating unseen patterns to bring transformation for authentic, aligned living.

She loves holistic natural living, and in her spare time, likes to read, dance, play music, create, spend time in nature, and have deep conversations.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Tuesdays at 1-3 pm Eastern US time 6-8 pm UK time online via Zoom although flexible depending on time zones of participants.

    Class times:
    August 6 - Week 1
    August 13- Week 2
    August 20- Week 3
    August 27 - Week 4
    September 3- Week 5 Integration & Closing

  • No, calls will not be recorded to preserve sacred sharing space.
    You will have lifetime access to any course materials including teachings, guided practices, and self-exploration prompts.

  • The course registration opens July 15 and closes August 3rd 2024. Course starts on August 6th. There will be a waitlist for anyone who misses the deadline or if the class fills up. I take time to prepare for those who will be joining us and close registration the Saturday before class starts.

    Enrollment is limited to 5 participants. This is the maximum number of participants I am able to adequately support considering the nature of the content and the quantity of layers touched upon.

  • The total cost for all 5 weeks of the course is $250. This is equal to 2 personal sessions with me, but with the course you get access to me for 5 weeks, personal support during class, and the benefit of group insight and wisdom.

  • This course is for your if you resonate with one or more of the following:

    • You have a tendency to cast aside your needs for another or feel you don't have needs or that your needs don't matter and you're left feeling resentful and burned out

    • If asked what do you need right now and your answer is typically "I don't know."

    • Your beliefs or conditioning around needs prevents you from meeting your needs

    • You know what your needs are but have difficulty knowing how to meet them or taking action to get them met

    • You partially meet needs to cope but they ultimately remain unmet and it feels like you're left hustling

    • Have yet to integrate and embody the experience of having your needs met so you aren't able to fully receive the resource it gives

  • The theme of needs touches us all and we will all have a unique story and somatic experience. By slowly touching on layers of this experience with compassionate support, you will discover:

    • the beliefs that keep you stuck or blocked

    • what your current needs are

    • help finding strategies for how to meet those needs

    • practice meeting needs in real time

    • integrating these experiences in an embodied way.

    • experiencing more peace, joy, and ease from having met needs

    • take this experience with you to continue applying after the course is over

    There is no way to know how addressing these layers will specifically affect you, but once being with them, you will never be the same.

What People Are Saying

Christine has a very gentle yet straightforward style of facilitating that creates trust, safety, and confidence in the participants that they will be met with respect, non-judgment, and honesty. This is an invaluable skill in her deep work as it allows people to unpeel layer by layer and touch their most vulnerable selves in service of healing. Mirroring and reflecting subtle strengths and hidden aspects of communication come easily to Christine though I'm sure it's taken years to hone that particular skill. It has been my joy and pleasure to have had her support in my journey over the past three years and I hope to continue learning with her in the years to come.

— Mrinalini, Bangalore India

More Questions?

Let’s connect to find out if this is right for you.

Register here

Please complete the form by clicking the button below, and secure your spot by submitting payment at the bottom of this page.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

NEEDS 5-week Course
One time
For 2 months

5 weeks of exploration into your needs and how to get them met

✓ 10 hours of live experiential learning and support
✓ Unlimited lifetime access